Special District Information

General Information

Full Legal Name: Brevard County Housing Finance Authority

Public Purpose: Affordable Housing Finance for income eligible persons and developers building or rehabilitating housing that will serve income eligible persons.

Boundaries: Brevard County, including all municipalities located therein.

Services Provided: Loans and Down Payment Assistance to eligible homebuyers; loans for the construction or rehabiliation of apartments that will be rented to eligible persons.

Charter/Creation Document: Brevard County Ordinance 79-9, as amended by Ordinance 84-16. PDF attached.

Statute Under Which HFA Operates: Chapter 159, Part IV, Florida Statutes     http://leg.state.fl.us/Statutes/index.cfm?mode=View%20Statutes&SubMenu=1&App_mode=Display_Statute&Search_String=housing+finance+authority&URL=0100-0199/0159/Sections/0159.604.html
Date Established: March 15, 1979

Establishing Entity: Brevard County Board of County Commissioners

Contact Information

Mailing Address: 4420 S. Washington Avenue, Titusville, Florida  32780

Email: angelaabbott@cfl.rr.com

Telephone Number: 321-264-0334

Website Address: www.brevardhfa.org

Registered agent / registered office (name and address of registered agent on file with the Special District Accountability Program): Angela A. Abbott, Esquire, 4420 S. Washington Avenue, Titusville, Florida 32780

Governing Body Members:

Kamran Sarkarati
c/o Brevard County HFA, 4420 S. Washington Avenue, Titusville, Florida 32780
Term: 4 years, expiring 12/31/2024
Appointing Authority: Brevard County Board of County Commissioners

Michael Hartman
c/o Brevard County HFA, 4420 S. Washington Avenue, Titusville, Florida 32780
Term: 4 years, expiring 5-24-23
Appointing Authority: Brevard County Board of County Commissioners

Barry Forbes
c/o Brevard County HFA, 4420 S. Washington Avenue, Titusville, Florida 32780
Term: 4 years, expiring 5-15-2024
Appointing Authority: Brevard County Board of County Commissioners

James Katehakis
c/o Brevard County HFA, 4420 S. Washington Avenue, Titusville, Florida 32780
Term: 4 years, expiring 11-7-2024
Appointing Authority: Brevard County Board of County Commissioners

Alison Colvard
c/o Brevard County HFA, 4420 S. Washington Avenue, Titusville, Florida 32780
Term: 4 years, expiring 12/31/26
Appointing Authority: Brevard County Board of County Commissioners


Revenue Information

The Housing Finance Authority has no taxing authority.

Financial Information

Fiscal Year: October 1 to September 30

Tentative Budget: Posted

Final Adopted Budget: Posted

Budget Amendments: Posted

General Purpose External Financial Statements and Compliance Reports and Management Letter, September 30, 2014 and 2013: Click to download PDF.

General Purpose External Financial Statements and Compliance Reports and Management Letter, September 30, 2015 and 2014: Click to download PDF.

Brevard HFA Financial Statements. FYE September 30, 2016. Click to Download.

Brevard HFA Financial Statements, September 30, 2017 and 2016. Click to Download.

Brevard HFA Financial Statements for FY 2017-2018. Click to Download.

Brevard HFA Financial Statements for FY 2018-2019. Click to Download.

Brevard HFA Financial Statements for FY 2019-2020 Click to Download

Brevard Financial Statements: For Years Ended September 30, 2021 and 2020

Financial Statements for Years Ended September 30, 2022 and 2021

Financial Statements for Years Ended September 30, 2023 and 2022


Link to Ethics Provisions: http://www.ethics.state.fl.us/  on website, select “Ethics Laws”

Defined Benefit Retirement System

The Housing Finance Authority has no employees and does not have a defined benefit retirement system

Agendas and Materials

HFA Agendas and Materials