August 15, 2019 HFA Meeting Agenda and Materials


TEFRA Notice.pdf

Notice of Meeting.pdf

Minutes 6-26-19 meeting.pdf

Hendrickson Ink invoice.pdf

FLALHFA Active Issuer Membership Invoice.pdf

SEE Invoice 7-31-19 Brevard County HFA.pdf

12 Month Planning Goals.pdf

Resolution 19-02.pdf

3rd Qtr Treasurer’s Report.pdf

Memo RFP.pdf

FA RFP Distribution list.pdf

RFP for FA.pdf

PRAG Response to RFP.pdf

HFH status 7-31-19.pdf

Habitat status 7-31-19.pdf

Comm of Hope status 7-31-19.pdf

Memo re MF and PAB allocation.pdf

SF Status 7-31-19.pdf

2nd Mortgage status report.pdf

Resolution 19-03.pdf